Who were the Celts and do they still exist? (Explained in images)

Who were the Celts and do they still exist?

Who were the Celts?

What is "Celtic"?

Which queen did the Welsh girl dress as?

Where are the Celts now?

These are the Celtic languages:

 What is your connection with the Celtic world? I read you below!!!

Sources: https://celticlifeintl.com/august-2022/ http://mnamon.sns.it/index.php?page=Esempi&id=59&lang=en https://www.celtic-weddingrings.com/en/amp/content/25-boudicca-warrior-queen-of-the-iceni.amphtml https://boudiccascelticpub.com/who-is-boudicca%3F

News: https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/girl-goes-school-celtic-warrior-24086007?utm_source=whatsapp&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=sharebar

Language map: @nerdymaps

Celtic image by: © Jen Delyth

#celtic #celts #ireland #scottland #wales #cornwall #isleofman #bretagne #rennes #breton #brezhoneg #gaelic #welsh #cymraeg #irish #gaeilge #scottish #gaidhlig #manx #gaelg #cornish #kernowek #minority #minorized #language #revitalization #normalization
